All you need is in your soul

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

But ... soul? not here

I know I started my blog with the title "All you need is in your soul" but, I've been back and forth - a lot - on the idea of a soul.
In my mind, my soul was my mind but, it's not really seen like that by everyone. The acknowledgement of the mere existence of soul can bring about the acceptance or question of "faith", something "beyond science", "we can't see or measure it", a spiritual existence... you know.

In Hindu Dharma, the vedas say "Aham Brahmasmi" - saying the God is within you. Now, as I see it, this is conscience, this is the will of a human to do something helpful to another living being, and that, I belive is the real miracle of life.

Before the big bang, when there was no matter, space or time, there existed a point of singularity, consisting of gravity, electromagnetism and nuclear forces within a zero space/time region (impossible to imagine, I know). Now, one day of the Brahma or one life cycle of universe (big bang to big tear) was created by this point of singularity and, we see all these phenomenon in our everyay lives in every atom, in every "soul" - so there you go.

There's no "halo" or "white glowing light" constituting your spirit or there's no external control of your mind (beyond the ones you can measure I mean).

My point is - I am not saying anything that we haven't known forever... but, somehow we choose to believe in crazy stuff... Why? Is it so hard to believe your life force is only because of your evolved organs and the complex human brain functions? Why do people pray? If it's a calming, relaxation method, there's a lot more of where that came from...
Why is the known not acknolwedged as firmly as removing any question of unknown?... Know what I am saying?


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