All you need is in your soul

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The need for speed

Have you ever had to react instinctively to any situation? Has your body ever moved so fast that you were actually surprised by it? and you were glad you did move that fast?
Adrenaline - the chemical that makes your body react to stimuli so fast that it might actually make you ... almost... superhuman for that instant.... and superhuman you can be. You'd feel like a superhero when you realize that you reacted and did the exact thing that you should have... timing everything perfectly... perfect sync of mind and body... perfect coordination... perfect compensation to surprises... wow! You feel like a master of time and space!
That's how I feel when I ride my motorcycle. I know, it's not a "Rajvidhya" (super specialized skill) or something that takes enlightenment to learn but, it makes me feel like a superhero. I feel like I can move so fast that I actually can control space and time. In fact, so much so that I can't go slower than twice the speed limit on any road... which brings me to the point I wanted to make in this post. Some people believe defensive driving (or riding) is the safer option. I have come to believe, that a good offense is the best defense. For example, if you are travelling at least 1.5 times the average speed of the rest of the traffic, you tend to look forward, you are now the high frequency system who can manouver through the lower frequency system, you are ahead of the rest of the commotion and you are alert... but, if you going as slow as the rest of the traffic, you tend to watch your back and ergo, lose confidence to manouver... you hit a resonance frequency there... see what I mean?


At 11:41 AM, Blogger Superman said...

Thanks maga
But, what would happen if everyone drove offensively?
galate agathe

At 3:48 AM, Blogger batt said...

but what happens to the control over space-time if all the units involved in the traffic system behave thus?

At 12:11 PM, Blogger Superman said...

point to ponder upon
what happens when two entities control the same space and time?


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