All you need is in your soul

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Kaliyuga Avatara:


In my first post, I will talk about the supernatural, the omnipotent, the omniscient, the ruler of the universe, the one within me. My focus in not after or before-life, not the free-ride we get on this planet around the sun, but, just the immediate past and the immediate future timeline.

Is there any force than you can't obviously see that affects us? If so, how? Can I control the force? I don’t want a scientific explanation - just some explanation. I kind of believe in the concept of Karma and believe that the whole universe will eventually unwrap the way it has to - but, this is not the timeline I am concerned about, I am talking about "NOW".

Do you think the Gods we know can be of any help ASAP? Do we need a simplified system to control the supernatural? As long as you are seeking the right things - world peace, unconditional love, and balance in everyone's life - we should be able to use the supernatural force to the benefit of the world. I know it sounds hokey, but, with the change in our lifestyle, we should expect a change in God, right? We don’t hang on to any old gadgets, why hang on to old methods of controlling the supernatural? It's time to discover.. or invent something to control the supernatural and use it only to make the world a better place.

Make no mistake, I am not seeking to recognize a person as God but, to simplify and make the system of ... praying ...foolproof. If you seek the right thing, you should have only the positive effect of the supernatural, if any.

If we identify what kind of effect and timing the omnipotent force has, we might make it work!


At 2:34 PM, Blogger chérie said...

wow superman!
Shallowed be thy name??? what??
You are a lot deeper than you seem! What you have written transcends the understanding of an average mind. Would love to see more posts like this.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger M3 said...

Hey Super,

Super post you got here bud! Let me know how your prayer experiment goes.
I used to think in terms of the absolute, then it evolved into the relative, then I realized that I was just analyzing the conception, so...right now, I'm just happy with the free ride. I do agree with you about the notion of God...hasn't evolved much.

Welcome aboard and hope to see more from you!

At 9:06 AM, Blogger Superman said...

Thanks for the comment :)
You need depth perception to know that I am not shallow.

I will patent the results of the experiment and sell prayers and make money. Nice business idea - what say? Something to go with the free ride.
Thanks for your insights!

At 1:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you need is in your soul. Every time I return to myself after an expedition in wanting, chasing, and dwindling, it hits me that all I need is in my soul. It's a divine affirmation and a great title for your blog.

I look forward to reading more from you.

At 6:04 AM, Blogger chérie said...

O superman, where art thou?
We need to read more from you now.

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Superman said...

@flickering flames:
You are right. Sometimes, I think that I might not get motivated to do anything because I believe I have what I need in my soul ;) Then, I realize that even motivation to achieve is in my own soul! Makes me get up in the morning.

More coming soon cherie!
"Patience is the virtue"

At 5:42 PM, Blogger Sin said...

Nice blog you have here Superman. I believe that God is within you. Your idea of the omnipotent is very interesting. :)


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